
Education is a key driver for ICES, from the Masters level, through Ph.D. and on into industry!

Embedded systems are often real-time systems in the sense that they closely interact with the surrounding world that they control. This obviously places an incredibly high demand on functionality and reliability, and extreme flexibility and programmability.

It is therefore important to balance the enormous potential of embedded systems with a deep understanding and an appreciation of the challenges involved in sustaining competence, managing software/hardware integration, defining suitable system architectures and verifying the resulting products.

Master Programme

The Embedded Systems Masters programme at KTH is an ICES-driven initiative to address real industrial concerns. The purpose of this master’s programme is to provide a broad education in embedded systems with the opportunity to specialise in areas that cover theoretical as well as practical aspects of embedded systems development. Special emphasis is placed on engineering skills, integration of software and hardware, system design, integration, verification and the management of the design process.

This is a two year programme (120 ECTS credits) given in English. Graduates are awarded the degree of Master of Science. The programme has courses both at KTH Campus and KTH Kista campus in Stockholm and is offered by the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (at KTH).

KTH Degree Project Portal

Are you in the search for new talent or looking for a new approach to a problem? In the Project Portal you can reach our students in a simple way. Advertise proposals on issues or problems and also thesis and project work, internships, trainee positions and extra jobs. It is free of charge to advertise in the KTH Degree Project Portal.

PROMPT Courses

In a joint project between academic parties and Swedish industry, advanced self-contained university courses in Software Engineering are offered in a web based format by Mälardalen University, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Chalmers University of Technology, University of Gothenburg and the research institute SICS. The courses are directed towards professional software developers and engineers. The PROMPT initiative is managed by Mälardalen University and financed by the Swedish Knowledge Foundation (KK-stiftelsen).
Five important advantages for course participants:
• The courses can be combined with full-time employment since they are given as distance education on part-time (25%) that requires 80-200 hours of studies (dependent upon course).
• The courses entitle to university credits at Master level.
• The courses are free.
• The courses are given by highly qualified researchers.
• The courses are developed in close cooperation with Swedish industry (e.g. ABB, Bombardier, Ericsson, SAAB, Scania, Volvo, ÅF).

ICES is also looking at ways in which to facilitate embedded systems master thesis projects and is working on providing connections between students looking for interesting projects and researchers (and industrialists) looking for good students with special competence.
