To get access to our Network you need to apply and to be approved to become a Member. As a member you will get access to a network with experienced leaders from Industry and academia, that are willing to share their knowledge and expertise.
When you are approved as a member. You and your colleagues in your organisation will immediately gain access to our member-driven events and seminars. The membership is also inclusive of tickets to our yearly ICES Conference and the possibility to attend other hosted events.
A Membership runs per calendar year. For companies applying during a year we apply a pro-rata, based on remaining months of the year, deduction of the fee.
The ICES Membership fee is normally invoiced in January.
Termination of Membership
A written notification to terminate the membership for the coming year must be received by ICES before October 31st.
The membership will be activated by filling in this form, it also requires following the ICES Code of Conduct (more information can be found on The final decision is taken by the ICES Executive Board.
Membership Levels
- Unlimited seats when participating in ICES Seminars and Events
- Usage of ICES LOGO and visibility on ICES homepage
- Contribute to the ICES Agenda
- Participate in ICES Industrial Competence Groups
- Nominate for ICES board
Membership Fee: 60.000 SEK/Year
- 10 seats when participating in ICES Seminars and Events
- Usage of ICES LOGO and visibility on ICES homepage
- Contribute to the ICES Agenda
- Participate in ICES Industrial competence groups
Membership Fee: 35.000 SEK/Year
- 3 seats when participating in ICES Seminars and Events
- Usage of ICES LOGO and visibility on ICES homepage
Membership Fee: 5.000 SEK/Year