New S.E.E. grows

The work with the new S.E.E. – Scandinavian Electronics Event continues with high intensity to make the fair the Nordic region’s leading meeting place for the Electronics industry. We have started everything, from creating an international conference in top class to social activities such as The Party – After Work with one of Sweden’s best cover band Haaks.

Now we load up with lots of news and new gripes to take S.E.E. into the 2020s. We do this with a wide range of highly interesting and forward-looking lectures, international industry experts and exciting circuit events. Large investments are also made to reach out to our Nordic neighboring countries and the other Baltic Sea region.

S.E.E. gets an attractive and stimulating framework where the meeting between supplier and customer is the focus. The industry’s most creative meeting place meets tomorrow. We are now starting the job, together with the electronics industry’s leading suppliers, to make Scandinavian Electronics Events the Nordic region’s most important trade fair. An arena for tomorrow’s innovations, creative future solutions and new approaches in all areas of technology.

Stay tuned!
