Is your SME/midcap providing digital technologies? Join the HUBCAP programme and we will help you with the process of finding new customers and selling your assets.

Call #1 – PULL aims to attract and engage Europeans SMEs/midcaps to join and integrate existing Cyber-Physical Systems and Model-Based Design tools in the HUBCAP Collaboration Platform.

Who are we looking for?

HUBCAP is looking for European SMEs/midcaps providing CPS and MBD assets & tools. Such digital technologies may be applied to any sector domain (Mobility, Industry, Health, Energy, Environment, Robotics, etc.), to enrich our innovative and sustainable cloud-based open collaboration platform!

How does Call #1 PULL work?

Each PULL call provides a mini-grant of €1,000 to help individual SMEs integrate existing CPS and MBD tools in the HUBCAP collaboration platform. The asset integration is supported by the DIHs through the participation in workshops. SMEs are invited to define the price structure for their assets and will thus benefit from exposure in the HUBCAP marketplace, as well as the opportunity to find new customers and participate in the subsequent EXPERIMENT and INNOVATE calls.
